Wednesday, July 05, 2006


It's been a while since I've taken the time to write. The funny thing is that I've actually had more time as of recent than I've had during the past few months. However, I have one strong excuse- I didn't have my trusty computer. That's right- it took a dive. And you know another thing- it decided to crap out on me on the night before my final presentation in my major course!..

Yeah, the graphics card died, and since it is integrated into the mainboard of the laptop, the whole mainboard had to be replaced (expensive!). So after I pulled an all-nighter re-creating my work that I had been working on the previous 3 weeks and presented to kill off my quarter at UCSD, that's when I got depressed about not having my computer anymore...

After a couple of weeks wallowing in my own grief, I found out that I was lucky enough to have a buddy whom I work with who wanted to give me his laptop since he never uses it for anything other than playing solitaire. Good for me since my next big step is to find a great job, which I need a great portfolio for. But I need a laptop to work on my portfolio to show it off. I really lucked out. And as if that wasn't good enough, the guys who were imprisoning my laptop until I paid them a couple hundred bucks just to look at it and diagnose it decided to go ahead and let me walk away with my hard drive in this new little transfer case that lets me plug my old hard drive into any computer via a USB port and use all of my old files! They figured they could sell off components from my HP (like the LCD screen- it was a widescreen), so they let me off the hook for free. Woohoo! So now I have a new little laptop to work with plus the luxury of all of my old data- i love it.

"Just when I think you couldn't do anything dumber... you go and do something like this...AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!"

- Harry from Dumber and Dumber

I dunno why this quote strikes me, but I love that movie. Plus when I was trying to think of the word that defined my computer situation and solution (redemption), this is the movie-line that came to my head and helped me think of the word... so take that for what it's worth.

Well, what I really wanted to talk about it something that may take up a lot more space, and I assume that I will have better thoughts to speak of by tomorrow. So without any further ado, I bid you farewell.