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New Years Resolution(s)

When all is said and done, there are two types of people in this world; people that make personally powerful resolutions and follow through with it to completion, and those that make personally powerful resolutions and follow through with it until February, when they decide (consciously or not) to give it a rest.

I assume that the latter makes up about 98% of people that make resolutions. Would you agree?

Well, I'd like to see if I can venture forth to that mysterious 2% of the human resolution race (those that believe in making them). If I am able to do that, I think I will feel much better about myself because not only will I have completed my personal goals, but I will have also followed through to completion- something that requires a lot of mental strength and stamina...

Anyhoo, here are my resolutions for 2007 (I think it's ok to have more than one, as long as they are well-grounded):

  1. To lose weight and gain fitness... I purposely am not going to quanitfy this goal because I am not sure what I want. But here's an indirect way of doing it- I'd like to be able to run a 5k in under 25 minutes

  2. To either be employed at another company that pays well and has great benefits, or to land a permanent position at HP

  3. To save up enough money to go to the Bahamas with my sister in December!

  4. To have taken steps further in my relationship with Lauren (and for any of you who doesn't know what that means- it means a ring! and for those of you who don't know what that entails- it entails fundage!)

So, in summary, it looks like the things that are personally powerful to me for the year 2007 is physical fitness and... money? Sounds like the basis of all new years resolutions, huh?

Let's see if I can follow through!